The Ballot Box ... Have a say on things that matter
Presentation Day Gear ...
At the end of each season the Rhinos use some of the money raised through sponsorship and canteen sales to purchase presentation day gear for all the club's players. In 2010, everyone went home with a long-sleeved training shirt and a Rhino footy. The year before, matching training singlets and shorts were handed out and all our premiership and grand final players received blazers, while the club's volunteers were given spray jackets. In addition, pretty well the whole club gains a trophy or medallion of some type every year. The problem for those who organise our 'preso' day giveaways is that after a while, we run out of ideas. This time around we thought it might be easier if you give us an idea or two! It's been a while since we've had new hoodies and for that matter some of the gear bags we gave out three or four years ago are starting to look a little worn out. Maybe its time for us to get skins or headgear made up in gold and maroon and put the Rhino on them! And could we really go wrong with some new trackies? Anyway, let us know what you reckon. We can't promise the to please everyone but at least we'll know what most of you prefer if we get a good response to the poll.